Company Logo URL

A company logo is a strong identifier of the business, it helps them remember the name and other information about the business.

Updated over a week ago

With the Booster SEO & Image Optimizer app, you can manually enter your logo URL so that it will be displayed as well with the Google search results. This will give your business a bigger chance of landing the top spots in the ranking. Though this is an optional step, this may make a significant improvement for higher ranks.

To manually set this within the app, follow these easy steps:

  1. Launch the app and click Google Snippets.

    seo-support-demo 路 BOOSTER SEO & IMAGE OPTIMIZER 路 Shopify 2023-12-29 at 1.56.54 PM

  2. Scroll down to the Company Logo URL section and enter your company's logo URL in the field provided.

    seo-support-demo 路 BOOSTER SEO & IMAGE OPTIMIZER 路 Shopify 2023-12-29 at 1.58.30 PM

  3. Click Save.

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