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What are the advantages of upgrading?
Updated over a week ago

While the Free plan of SEO Optimizer allows you to optimize your product images for Google Image Search, upgrading to a paid plan provides a wide range of benefits!

The Pro plan ($34/month) offers additional features including:

  • Guided keyword optimization for meta tags and content, enhancing your ranking for selected keywords.

  • AutoPilot feature for efficient bulk SEO editing.

  • Automated resolution of broken links and redirection, eliminating 404 pages.

  • Automatic establishment of Google Rich Results (Snippets) using JSON-LD schema for your entire store.

The Premium plan ($64/month) includes all Pro features and adds the following:

  • Compression of product images for faster page loading.

  • Renaming of product images to align with product titles, enhancing image SEO.

  • URL optimization for more search engine-friendly URLs.

  • Sitemap generation to expedite Google indexing of your site.

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